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Simpley is the simpler way to own a property for significantly less cost and removes the typical hassles of property ownership.

Simpley acts as a third party platform to enable multiple people to own one property together, without the fuss and hassle normally involved.

Simpley curates and buys high potential properties in fast growing locations and creates an LLC for each property. The property will be split into smaller shares and buyers can purchase the amount of ownership shares that they desire.

Simpley professionally manages the property, renovation and setup, cleaning, maintenance, bill payment, repairs, LLC oversight, taxes and more. 

Owners can use the Simpley’s Owner e-Portal to view progress and get updates of their progress anytime, anywhere.

Simpley gives buyers: 

The opportunity to own a property for dramatically less cost and management hassle.

The capacity to buy a share of more properties in different cities and countries, and this can allow buyers to diversify risks.

Effortless ownership of a turnkey property, with Simpley taking care of property management, renovation/setup, bill payment and rent collection.

Confidence in a streamlined resale. After a year of ownership, owners can set their own price and tap into Simpley's active marketplace of buyers, enjoying any equity gains. 
Co-ownership simply means that a property is owned by a group of multiple owners instead of one single entity. This is also known as fractional ownership, a concept and practice used to democratize access to otherwise unattainable assets. 

Fractional ownership has existed for a long time but it is difficult and costly to get right without a neutral third-party administrator to ensure transparency and fairness amongst co-owners. This is where Simpley comes in: We are reinventing the co-ownership experience by taking care of all the details ourselves so that you can enjoy complete peace of mind.
Owning real estate with others in an LLC is not a new practice. However, “DIY” LLC co-ownership is a headache to set up and a hassle to manage, especially when personal relationships are involved. Simpley’s fully managed LLC co-ownership is a technology-enabled real estate ownership solution that removes the interpersonal stress and operational hassle of going at it alone.
No. Simpley ownership is structured through an LLC. Owners purchase a share in the LLC, which holds the deed to the property. This structure provides Simpley owners with protection, privacy and flexibility. A Tenancy in Common is a specific type of ownership format with deeded ownership for each partial individual owner.

Simpley is for everyone - from novice investors to real estate gurus and everyone in between.

For novice property buyers, you can start owning your first piece of real estate. For real estate gurus, now is the chance for you to own small pieces in more properties, diversified over different countries, property types, hence lowering your risks!

Simpley is designed to make real estate ownership more accessible, easy and hassle free.

Simpley gives you all the benefits of direct ownership.
At Simpley, investors have ultimate control and can sell on their own timeline. We provide higher returns through significant tax benefits and no annual fees.

Private REITs and crowdfunding platforms lock you in for long hold periods. You can lose 40% or more of your annual rental income due to annual fees and taxes on other platforms.
Lastly, dividends distributed from REITs and crowdfunding platforms are subject to ordinary income tax and cannot be written off with expenses and standard rental property depreciation deductions


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